Saturday, April 19, 2008

Batteries Done- Another job checked off

Well, I finished the plumbing and Yes, Emily got a brand new faucet too. Also last week, I managed to wrestle (with the help of the deck winches and Kim) those six batteries in place in the engine room. Here’s a picture of the batteries all hooked up.

And here is a picture of what I built to hold them down. I understand that 800 pounds of batteries flying around inside the engine room because of heavy seas might be a bad thing. And the Plexiglas cover (that used to be part of Terry McGill’s desk (long story)) is to allow me to lay over them to reach hull valves and other critical things without having 1200 amps of current weld my belt buckle to the boat.

And the best part is when I finally threw the power switch, nothing caught on fire!

Next week, Kim holds garage sales and put the treasures that took us 28 years to accumulate up for sale for pennies on the dollar! You will have to wait, dear reader, until next week to find out how much we collected for all that STUFF!

Captain Tom

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