Well, we got a deposit on the house yesterday from a nice couple from
Anyway, I was really getting tired of sweeping up all the saw dust from my wood shop in the basement, and Kim cleaning up all the dog hair and vacuuming up all traces that a family might actually live there. Supposedly, this was all so that perspective house buyers could imagine all the hair and fingerprints and sawdust they could create and spread around in their new house. And last week was a banner week as I had to clean up the messes and send Kim and Emily to hide in the public library while I showed the house SIX TIMES! As twisted as that now sounds, perhaps it worked.
By the way, Dear reader, all that sawdust was created from building cabinets to hold my stuff, and shelves to hold home schooling stuff and a special shelf to hold computer printer-type stuff. It seems like my dream of throwing all my stuff away and sailing off to sea with nothing but a sextant to steer by and a machete to open coconuts when we get to the islands is not quite working out. We have simply exchanged our land stuff for boating stuff and we still have way too much stuff.
Since we have to be out of our home by early July, the jam-the–stuff-on-the-boat game can not go on for too many more weeks. Even though Kim did quite well at our yard sales, a large pile of unwanted items ended up at Goodwill. And I predict a future trip to Goodwill is in the offing.